We have all failed at something in our life. We have always tried something new, and failed at it many times, haven’t we? But despite these setbacks how many times have you picked your self up and tried again? When I was learning to solve the four by four Rubik’s cube I really challenging but I kept on trying and was soon able to solve it. In the process of learning I felt like giving it up but kept working on it.
All the people we admire have also faced failure and
obstacles. But they achieved greatness because they did not give up, they got
back up and learned from their mistakes.
It is said Thomas Edison failed 1000 times before inventing the prototype of the light bulb. When he was asked “how does it feel to fail a thousand times?”. He replied “I didn’t fail a thousand times. The light bulb was an invention with 1000 steps”. Imagine how todays world would be like if Edison would have just given up. But it wasn’t just Edison who faced problems.
The author of famous book series, Harry Potter did go through similar situation. JK.Rowling was rejected by 12 publishers before Harry Potter became a huge success. My most favorite book series would not have existed if Rowling would have succumbed to failure.
These are some very well-known figures but there are others. Mansukhbhai Prajapati from Gujrat, India, invented a fridge made of clay. This took him a lot of trial and error to finally be able to create it. Today Mansukh’s company, Mitticool is very successful.
I am sure that when you were learning to ride a bike you fell. But didn’t you get up and try again?. So we must all work to achieve our goals in life no matter how big or small they are and not be afraid of failure. Because sooner or later we will succeed.
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